I had breakfast today with my daughter at the Waffle House. It is across the street from her college. She called and was in a tizzy because her car was full of ants. Seems someone left a bit of candy in her car and she parked near a tree with ants and voila!!! Ants in the car by the gazillions...or hundreds anyway. She wanted me to come "fix it" so I used it as an excuse to also have breakfast with her.
What a treat! She was waiting for me and had found the candy but would not touch it. I got it out, we sprayed some ant killer and headed out for breakfast. Could we eat in the cafeteria? Oh no! Can't do that. Dad has to take her "out" for breakfast.
Being a life long fan of the Waffle House, we headed across the street. Now, you'd think that this would be a simple go in and come out and breakfast is over kind of thing. Nope, not gonna happen with my kids. Or me for that matter.
I have a long history with the WH. I grew up on a carnival (yep, I am a carnie. I have sawdust in my veins!) so eating at these types of places is normal. Open late, fast in and out and food that you know what to expect. I love it.
A few years ago we were in Florida with some friends. They were expecting their first child. I've known Jill for ages and both she and Brian are dear friends. So we head out one morning for breakfast at the WH. Jill pops some quarters into the jukebox. I grab my wife's hand and say let's dance! My wife, being slightly less gregarious than me, proceeds to inform me that she is not dancing in the WH. Well! Can you believe it? Jill says she'll dance with me and voila! I am having a country music song moment! I am dancing in the waffle house with a pregnant woman and she is not my wife! Everyone needs to live a country music song moment.
See, the WH and I go way back.
Two nights ago my daughter calls from college wanting to go to the movies. It is late and she knows we don't like her out late so she called. Yeah, I know, the kid is in college but she knows who pays the bills and she likes sucking up to me so she calls. She says "can I go to the movies"? I say "who with"? She says "this guy. I met him at the waffle house and he asked me to the movies. He has 5 teeth."
Knowing I've been had by someone better than me I inform her that we never date people with less than 6 teeth, we have standards! She and her roommate are cracking up in the background. She shares with me that she is going to the movies with her friends if it is OK. We have a good laugh and she heads to the movies.
Well, we sit down at the counter today in the WH and look at the menu. I lean over and ask her if her boyfriend is here this morning. She looks at me like I am crazy. I ask again. She still has no idea. I remind her of the call about the movies and she cracks up! It suddenly hit her and she is laughing so hard. She can't believe I remembered it and thought it was great that I did and took her there for breakfast! Good memory!
Well, we order and she tells the waitress that she wants hash browns scattered and smothered. I have no idea what this is and she explains it is hash browns with onions. I am very impressed that my daughter knows the WH lingo. Another generation feeling at home at the Waffle House! Her grandfather would be so proud. I know I was. AND I learned something new...how to order hash browns!
Home Sweet Home? Home Sweet Home Away From Home?
14 years ago