Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Growing Older

I'm kind of a throw back to older times. I like to think of it as building a foundation on which the future can stand and stand solidly. Shakey foundations crumble with a little adversity. Solid foundations withstand the hars elements.

Same for family. I've tried to instill a sense of "family" in my children. I've preached and taught that family is important first and foremost. Some day my wife and I will be gone and this foundation will provide support to them as they deal with problems. They will have something to hold them up through rough times...each other.

Both my Mom and my Dad died in our home. Dad from a heart attack and Mom from cancer. Each different. One fast and unexpected in the middle of the night. The other long and drawn out. My Dad died first and the kids were very young but remember it and we talk of it. They are not bothered by him dying here, in fact they feel his presence is still here watching over them. The get comfort from that.

Mom died here 6 and a half years ago. All my kids were old enough to experience it. They were able to say good bye and had time to understand and deal with the death up close. It was a growing experience and except for losing a loved one, a good experience. They saw how a family comes together, focuses on a loved one and cares for them. It was a time of inward focus for our family and we still draw strenght from it. We shared it together.

Today, when something catches them off guard the quickly look to family for support, encouragement and acceptance. Unconditional love coupled with high standards is the key to a strong foundation.

1 comment:

  1. Aging means growing older process of getting older, especially as people reach middle age and beyond, is called aging, and it is also an adjective that describes someone or something going through this process.
