Saturday, August 16, 2008


Last night Brittany went to the movies with her beau (boyfriend for non-southerners). She is heading back to school on Tuesday (19th) and I'm going to miss her. She's planning to study abroad for at least one semester next year and maybe again her senior year. I'm trying to get her to do a summer session abroad first to see how that goes. She will tell you that while she really wants to do it she knows she'll get home sick and is not looking forward to that. We've been talking about some ideas to see how it goes like taking a trip for a week or so to get a feel for being that far from home BEFORE she has to do a whole school semester! It is an evolving process so we will see.

Dao, her boyfriend, is very patient with her. She cares for him a lot and enjoys being with him but still needs her alone time. She is a self contained person and enjoys being by herself. He deals well with it and that is good because I don't see her changing.

The last time they went to the movies she asked for money so SHE could pay their way in. Good for her! We've talked about this and she does this on a regular basis. She likes giving to the relationship and feels she should pay. She even drives sometimes. Dao lets her do this even though he'd prefer to be the one paying and driving. Again, he is patient. He is always polite and is at ease when he comes over. He is content to just sit and watch TV with her. Ahhhh... the joys of young love.

I share this because Brittany is learning that the world extends beyond her and her world needs to include others to not be complete but to grow and be better. John Donne (1572-1631) said "no man is an island, entire of itself" and watching my children go through this growth is very encouraging, satisfying and way cool. I've watched my older daughter go through this and my son is starting to go through it as well. Now, that is one of the joys of parenthood.

A shout out to Ron Philbeck! He is an awesome potter in the southwest part of NC and I love his work. I have some pieces (another on the way) and have given some as gifts (which are greatly loved!). A link to his blog (which has a link on it for ordering) is located on the left. While I'm not totally in-sync with his love of tea, his work I adore. By way of full disclosure, he is married to my wife's cousin. If you live or visit the Charlotte, NC area go by and see him and take some pieces home!

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