Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Far from home...
If you go to this web site, you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services. How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!! This is a great site. Please send a card.
It is FREE and it only takes a second. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our guys and gals over there need to know we are behind them.
Let them know, especially in this season how thankful we are to have them serving.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Ultimate Vacation...
I'm partial to Eastern NC bbq. I like the whole hog better. My favorites are Moore's in New Bern, Bullock's in Durham, King's in Kinston and Allen & Son in Chapel Hill. Never go through there without a stop for 'que sammich (yes, with 2 m's).
Now, don't get me wrong, that western or "Lexington" style is palatable, too. I've lived in High Point and had some of that 'que on a regular basis. I've been to Short Sugars and I've dined in Lexington. I can choke a plate of that right on down!
I love cooking my own, too. I have a pig cooker and love to 'fire that puppy up' for an occasion or two whenever I can.
I've been trying to decide what to fix for Christmas dinner this year. I was planning on rack of lamb, mushroom risotto, pumpkin soup with mushrooms and sauteed green beans, but I just might have to strike a match to the pig cooker and serve some 'que. I'm thinking a pig with slaw, fries and 'puppies would be a fitting repast for Christmas.
I think some time away would help me decides. Maybe a short trip...
Monday, November 24, 2008
And then there were two...
Time doesn't fly, it is what we make of it and how we choose to use it. I've been fortunate and have shared many wonderful hours with my kids. This is bitter sweet. I'm happy and proud that at 23 she is a homeowner but I'm going to miss my baby so much!
As I told my wife today on the way home from dropping some stuff off at her place, it is just down the street but it is a long way away.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Old dog and new tricks...
Last night we had sauteed spinach, mushrooms and asparagus with steak over rice. It was awesome! For dessert she fixed fresh strawberries with whipped cream and a chocolate cookie. What a simple but perfect dessert.
Tonight is stuffed peppers! She's been digging through the myriad of cookbooks we have and is finding recipes she likes. She likes to cook rice and is very good at it. She likes things Asian and I think that influences her cooking, which is fine. We all draw inspiration and influence from things we like and know. She's always been interested in the Asian culture and cooking Asian just reinforces her learning and what she likes.
This morning she cooked breakfast for everyone. Two of us had pancakes (awesome) and my wife had eggs with cheese. When I fix them I put the cheese in near the end. If you put it in at the beginning the cheese melt and then can burn before the eggs cook. My daughter mixes the cheese with the eggs in a bowl before putting them in the pan. This mixing coats the cheese with egg and keeps it from burning as the eggs cook! I never tried this and thought it was cool. An old dog can learn new tricks!
What's important?
We got me a haircut. I was getting a little shaggy and needed a clip job. Then we headed to get him some pants. The boy out grows everything I buy him! He has one pair of long pants and it has been pretty chilly so we had to get some more. He'd be happy wearing shorts all year but I'm sure even his legs would get cold.
He patiently tried on everything I threw over the fitting room door. He never gets impatient or whiny. He just gets along. We found 3 pair he liked and I liked and that would fit. It was a great day AND 2 of them were priced at 1/2 off! Always a good day when that happens.
He is so much fun to be around. He laughs easy, sees the fun in everything, and just likes going along for the ride. He tried to convince me to "see a man about a dog" but his sister is fixing stuffed peppers for dinner and it is one of my favorites so I passed on the idea.
We got home and he immediately started blowing leaves again. He knows this is his job and doesn't complain. He just gets it done without fuss, brag or anything. He is great.
Its the little things that are important. I sure appreciate them.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Counting our blessings...
A friend's wife is undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. This is such traumatic event. Not only are you battling for your life but the very medicine that you take to save your life has such awful side effects, not the least of which is loss of hair. For me, that is not a big deal but I have 2 daughters and a wife and I know that would be a big thing for them.
I keep in touch with my friend, let him know we are praying for both of them, that they are loved and cared about. They have a good support group in California but it does not hurt to have help on both coasts.
My daughter and I went shopping today for a hat for his wife. We found one we liked in Macy's at the mall. I virtually never go to the mall and avoid it like the plague but today I gladly went to help a friend in need.
She knows it is coming and is excited about it. I hope she likes it and expect she likes the support and that some one cares enough to do this. I know I would.
Reaching out is so easy and so hard. I've been unfortunate to know too many people to die from this disease and too many others to have it and have to have very severe surgery. I hate this disease and the impact it has on not just the women but on their families.
I'm not writing this to brag about what I've done. In fact I thought long and hard about not writing it but I want others to know that reaching out is important and doesn't require anything heroic. Often a phone call or an IM message on a regular basis is enough. Letting people know they are not alone and that you care and praying for them is enough.
Sharing this with my daughter was important to me. It was just one of the many things we did today together and I hope it made the most impact. I want her to be able to reach out to others, too. In this human race we are all in it together. Ben Franklin, during the revolutionary war said: "Either we hang together or most assuredly we will hang separately". Life is like that too.
Friday, November 21, 2008
3 days and counting...
I'll figure out how to deal with it, I think.
Helping hand needed...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thanksgiving for us is not quite that historical but my family does celebrate it in some ways. We open the meal to all that want to join. We call it "extended family" and includes people to whom we are not even blood related but are important to us and who we consider family. We are blessed with plenty to eat and love to share it. The more we have around the table the better! My sister hosts Thanksgiving dinner and I host Christmas dinner and we have as many as 20+ people there, depending on who is in town, etc. We love it and it reminds us of all the blessings of the year.
We all look forward to seeing each other, spending time together and sharing not just food but some of ourselves. We put aside differences of opinion on all kinds of subjects and just enjoy the day.
I hope you are able to enjoy the day with family, friends and neighbors. If not, join us! We always have room for more.
Tripping down memory lane...
We talk about all sorts of stuff. Family, events, memories, ideas, news and whatever comes up. She also listens when I want to offer some advice and is willing to discuss it with me. I don't push and she doesn't get defensive. She's willing to listen and we have a pleasant time. She got tickled talking about some of the things we've all done. She said one of her favorites that causes endless amusement was shopping for college last year. She was going to be taking some gym classes so we had to get new shoes, etc. We were in Dick's sporting goods and she needed a sports bra. I think she likes to embarrass me by doing this. She could not find one she liked and had me ask for help. So, here I am asking a FEMALE store employee where to find sports bras! At the moment I was focused on helping her and did not see the humor in it. Now I get a little red when she brings it up. She loves telling that story!
I enjoy the relaxed evenings but tonight was different, too. We've been to T K Tripps before, once last year. This time I shared with her the memories I have of her mother and I eating at the T K Tripps in Greensboro. Going there was a special event for us. We were just out of college, not a lot of money and eating out was not an every day event. It was neat and a fun place to go and hang out for a couple hours and do something different.
Having done that many years ago it was fun to sort of re-live those memories by going there with my daughter. She didn't just listen but eagerly encouraged me to share my memories, which was fun. She likes knowing family history, what her parents and grandparents did. If she's like me it gives her a connection to something bigger, something permanent in a world of change.
It was fun talking with her. I always come away feeling better, recharged and happy. My kids do that to me. Somehow in the many conversations I not only agreed she should go shopping for clothes but that I'd take her! She's sneaky that one is! And she made it seem like my idea. But this time I am not helping with sports bras!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sorry for the shameless self centeredness but I want the knife!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Support a craftsperson...
Carolina Designer Craftsmen
39th Fine Craft and Design Show
North Carolina State Fairgrounds
1025 Blue Ridge Road
Raleigh, North Carolina
Friday, Nov. 28, 6pm-9pm
Saturday, Nov. 29, 10am-6pm
Sunday, Nov. 30, 11am-5pm
$7 Daily Admission
$10 Weekend Pass
Children under 12 Free
Sunday, November 16, 2008
BBQ, Families and Diamonds..
My wife's brother and his wife invited us over for dinner! Miracles do happen. First time we've been invited for dinner (hint, hint...I'll travel for free food!) and we had a chance to meet her parents. They are good folks and I enjoyed meeting them. It was fun, good food and lots of deserts. They served chicken, BBQ and all the fixin's for dinner. The 'que was from a local chain, which is a family favorite. My girls got through high school hitting the one close to school for lunch almost daily. The car makes an auto turn in there when we drive near one.
Now, being an aficionado of the art and soul of 'que I tend to turn my nose up at the swill from this chain. I act holier than thou about it, act as if it might ruin my highly refined sense of taste and epicurean development. I treat the place as if it was just above a body dump. But I hit that stuff today like a crack addict in a police evidence room. I was all over it and went back for seconds! I think I blew my cover but man I needed a 'que fix and did I get one! It was good. Now, it isn't King's in Kinston or Moore's in New Bern or Alan and Son in Chapel Hill or even my favorite place on a back street in Goldsboro where no two chairs match. But it was good and when a man needs a 'que fix he can't be picky about his source! And this was not anything to be picky over it was just good!
Many thanks to S&B for the invite and the fine victuals and mostly for the fine company. It was good to see B's sister and to meet her parents. Good folks even if they hail from Arkansas. You take the good with the bad and move on. Think I'm wrong? OK, bub, let me tell what the big discussion was about. B's mother's sister (B's Aunt) passed away recently and was cremated. They want to turn part of the ashes into a diamond! No, seriously. There are companies that take the ashes, reduce them to carbon, turn that into graphite and then put it under heat and pressure to make a diamond AND PEOPLE WEAR THEM!
Instead of "laying people to rest" we are now "laying them to wash our hands". Instead of wearing our feelings on our sleeves we are wearing our loved ones on our finger!
Needless to say, we had fun with this over dinner. Think I'm kidding, check out . I don't make this up!
Thanks again for the food. I think my wife left her mother on the sink in the bathroom!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I am so proud of him. He is set on bringing those grades up. He came in about 9:30 and announced we needed to watch Stargate: Atlantis. We watch it every week together. We both look forward to it. We usually share a box of hot wings from KFC but we just chilled tonight. What a great time to just hang out with my son.
I'm heading down stairs for coffee. I hope one of my wonderful daughters put it on last night before going to bed! If not, fodder for another post!
Friday, November 14, 2008
He is a great kid, he is smart and he really is considerate of others. Cracking down on him has always been the hardest of the three but no more mister nice guy. He's dug a hole so he has to get out of it. He is on a very restricted schedule that is all study time. He's squandered his free time so now it is time to pay the price.
He and I will get through this. I view it as another opportunity to teach. He'll learn lessons on staying focused, getting work done and the value of studying. He took the classes a little to lightly and my job is to help him realize how important they are. He's taking this as I expected him to. He knows he screwed up and is accepting the price he has to pay.
I love him so much it hurts. We never want our kids to learn hard lessons but if we look back at our pasts we see those were the ones we learned best. His heart is pure and he is a great kid. I am proud to call him my son and my boy. He'll get through this and he'll be stronger for it. I am proud of the man he is growing up to be. I hope he knows that I love him and am only doing this because I love him and want only the best for him. I think he does.
But he still has to rake the leaves!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Friendship Pie...
Wow! What a great place. We had pizza pie. Seriously, PIE! Crust on top and bottom and fillings to die for. This things was at least 18" across and at least an inch thick or more with toppings. The crust was very thin and perfect. I had 1.5 slices and was stuffed! It is huge! We split a bottle of wine for the table and just had a great meal. There is nothing like eating with friends. I laughed, I bellowed and I even talked to the staff! We had so much fun. Everyone was so engaged because we dearly care for each other.
This made me realize how lucky I am. Good friends are a treasure and should not be taken for granted. I was out with friends and family having a good time. That is what life is all about. We'll go back there and every time we do I'll remember this night.
Oh, and they gave me a bottle of wine for my birthday! Can't wait to try it, too. I'm sure I'll think of pie we shared with friends when I do.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Blogging or "you don't know who reads!"
My sister also called this morning. She was wired up, too. She wished me a happy birthday today, too. It was good to hear from her, get caught up on family stuff going on. My niece is doing well since the robbery. The place she works is making changes, which is good. Her husband is taking off work to walk her to her car, too and then going back to work. I think it is great that they let him do that! Visit CookOut and thank them for doing this! Great food there, too but for them to do this is huge! I am now a permanent fan (I already liked their food)! I am impressed that he is doing this. I don't know him well but always liked him when I met him. Taking care of my niece is BIG with me!
I don't mention names of people or places too much. Not what this is about. If you know me and my family, no need to and if you don't it will not matter! I just don't want to make people uncomfortable. I do like to mention places I like so the mention above is GOOD!
I am going to meet a friend for a beer tonight. We'll have some food, catch up on work and family and just hang out. I've known her for a gazillion years, worked with her for a long time and we keep in touch. I adore her family. Her husband, Mike, is easily one of the smartest people I know. He can do ANYTHING! I mean, most of us guys like to think we are handy, right? We can drive a nail, hang a picture, replace a light build and maybe, just maybe replace a faucet, put in a new electrical outlet or a new breaker in the panel box. But Mike can re-wire a boat! No joke! They bought a boat and he decided the wiring needed some "work" and proceeded to re-wire the whole thing! He so rocks. He can do anything with carpentry and he is a genius at furniture repair, too. If you need furniture fixed let me know and I'll give his contact info. He is also very funny and cracks me up all the time. I'm not known for listening but I listen to everything he says. His wife is a dear friend, too. She puts up with my complaining and venting. We all need friends like that!
Busy day at work. Lots of calls. Just that time of year and we are working on a plan for the next release of the software. That involves a lot of discussions, planning, give-and-take and decisions. We've just started but I like the process. I always learn so much! The poor developers/engineering staff just don't know how to take me sometimes.
Well, I need to get my head in a cookbook and plan some meals so I can use my new pans, bowls and tools!
Anyway, before I go, my Sister-in-Law told me she reads my blog! How cool. She's never left a comment and I was not aware she reads it! She says she loves it because she can keep up with what is going on in the family while running around all over. I had no idea! See, we don't always know who is looking! Thanks B for letting me know. I don't know if the family reads it much or not. I was thinking of stopping the blog but I do it for me and now at least B reads it, too! I'll see her Sunday and I'll thank her again. She is excited about my daughter getting her own place. She is on the invite list to the house warming!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I've been fortunate to see tremendous change. Cars, jets, space travel and landings on the moon and mars, computers, cell phones, GPS devices, internet, and HD television. It is amazing to me what advances we've made. My Dad went through similar changes as he grew older. He was born in 1906 and died in 1990. Horse and buggy to the space shuttle!
My family is downstairs waiting to take me to dinner. They have presents for me (some from Williams-Sonoma!!) and they cooked me breakfast this morning, too. We like birthdays around here. I've gotten hugs from all of them today and big "Happy Birthday" greetings as well. I know I am loved.
I've opened the great presents: new calphalon pans, new mixing bowls, a new paring knife, new cook book, wine, a cool spatula thing, etc. They knew exactly what to get me! We all went out to dinner at Winston's (our family's favorite) and then came home for cake...chocolate with pecans! My favorite. What a great, great, wonderful day. easily one of the best ever.
But today is not my favorite birthday. Don't get me wrong, I love today and its been perfect. But there are three birthdays that were easily better, much better, will always be better. Those were the three birthday's I shared with my wife. They are my favorite. Watching those 3 ugly, slimy, motley, screaming beautiful kids arrive will always be my favorite days. Talk about great birthday presents, they sure are!
I count my presents everyday...the three birthday presents I got are the best ever.
I know it all...
“Only the PBM’s will be audited under Medicare part d. We just don’t see any reason to worry about full compliance planning.” Anonymous VP of Managed Care at Top 100 Pharmaceutical firm.
"Everything that can be invented has been invented" - Charles H. Duell, Director U.S. Patents Office, 1899.
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers" - Thomas Watson, IBM president, 1943.
"Television won't last because people will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night" - producer Darryl Zanuck, Twentieth-Century Fox, 1946.
"You ain't going nowhere, son. You ought to go back to driving a truck" - Grand Ole Opry's Jim Denny to Elvis Presley, 1954.
"There is no need for any individual to have a computer in their home" - Ken Olson, president of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977.
"640k ought to be enough for anybody" - Microsoft founder Bill Gates, 1981, whose computers now offer more than 500 times that much space for electronic memory.
"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons" - --Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949
"Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" - H. M. Warner (1881-1958), co-founder, Warner Brothers Pictures, 1927
" We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." - Decca Recording Co., rejecting the Beatles, 1962
"The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a 'C', the idea must be feasible." -- A Yale University management professor in response to Fred Smith's paper proposing reliable overnight delivery service. (Smith went on to found Federal Express Corp.)
"But what ... is it good for?" --Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, commenting on the microchip.
"If I had thought about it, I wouldn't have done the experiment. The literature was full of examples that said you can't do this." --Spencer Silver on the work that led to the unique adhesives for 3-M "Post-It" Notepads.
"Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." --Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre.
"$100 million dollars is way too much to pay for Microsoft." -- IBM, 1982
"I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won't last out a year." —The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957
"This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." —Western Union internal memo, 1876
"A cookie store is a bad idea. Besides, the market research reports say America likes crispy cookies, not soft and chewy cookies like you make." —Response to Debbie Fields' idea of starting Mrs. Fields Cookies
"So we went to Atari and said, 'Hey, we've got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we'll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we'll come work for you.' And they said, 'No.' So then we went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, 'Hey, we don't need you. You haven't got through college yet.'" —Apple Computer Inc. founder Steve Jobs on attempt to get Atari and H-P interested in his and Steve Wozniak's personal computer.
"Professor Goddard does not know the relation between action and reaction and the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to react. He seems to lack the basic knowledge ladled out daily in high schools." —New York Times editorial about Robert Goddard's revolutionary rocket work, 1921
"You want to have consistent and uniform muscle development across all of your muscles? It can't be done. It's just a fact of life. You just have to accept inconsistent muscle development as an unalterable condition of weight training." —Response to Arthur Jones, who solved the "unsolvable" problem by inventing Nautilus
"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau." —Irving Fisher, Professor of Economics, Yale University, 1929
"Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fiction." —Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse, 1872
"The abdomen, the chest, and the brain will be forever shut from the intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon." —Sir John Eric Ericksen, British surgeon, appointed Surgeon-Extraordinary to Queen Victoria, 1873
"The phonograph is not of any commercial value." —Thomas Edison, 1880
"Flight by machines heavier than air is unpractical and insignificant, if not utterly impossible." —Simon Newcomb, astronomer, 1902
"Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote." —Grover Cleveland, 1905
"It is an idle dream to imagine that automobiles will take the place of railways in the long distance movement of passengers." —American Road Congress, 1913
"There is no likelihood that man can ever tap the power of the atom." —Robert Millikan, Nobel Prize winner in physics, 1920
"Babe Ruth made a big mistake when he gave up pitching." —Tris Speaker, 1921
"The odds are that the United States will not be able to honor the 1970 manned lunar landing date set by President Kennedy " —New Science Magazine, 1964
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Taking things for granted...
Last night my niece was almost killed. Where she works was robbed and she and the other employees were roughed up really well and had guns held to their heads and threatened to be killed if they did not open the safe. It all turned out well in the end but it was very traumatic both physically and mentally. We don't need to take life, our safety or our families for granted.
I am in DE this weekend with friends. No, not just friends, dear, dear friends that I love like family. We all live in different parts of the country but met through work and decided to make a concerted effort to not let the friendship lapse. We email each other, we keep up with each other's family, we spend vacation time to get when possible and each November we get together for a weekend. This is that weekend. It starts with lunch on Friday, wine tasting party Friday night, breakfast and cooking all day Saturday and a huge gourmet meal Saturday night. We've been at it most of the day today and as we close in on dinner we were treated to a surprise. John and MJ are sharing a bottle of Opus One with us. This is a GREAT wine and runs about $250 per bottle! We drink a lot of wine over the weekend and hit John's cellar often. He and MJ are incredibly gracious hosts and treat us like royalty! But, to share this is way beyond anything anyone should do. When I told him he should not do this he looked at me and said "good wine needs to be shared with good friends." I did not know what to say but Thanks!
John is right. We are who we are and who we know and spend time with. We've been coming here for 10 years and we all look forward to it each year. It is a special time for us all. We reminisce about the times we've shared, family and family events and things that are going on in our lives. We share the latest news, show pictures around and talk about triumphs and tragedies. We are getting older, some are younger than others, some older but we are all facing or have faced the same growing up, parents getting older, parents passing on, parents being sick and we encourage each other through it all.
When I was going through a bad time with my Mom before she died they were there to bring me that special smile and memory that can only come through friends. I love these people, I love their families and spending time with them is always important to me.
Sharing is important, sharing your success and seeing happiness for you in their eyes, sharing failures and seeing love and support in those same eyes. Sharing concerns and seeing prayer and concern in those eyes. That is what friendship is about, the "spirited inspiration that comes from someone that knows you, trusts you and cares about you." We've been fortunate to be loved by these people and this weekend is as much a celebration of that as it is fun to get together. I treasure these memories and I'll carry them with me all year and I'll look forward to making more next year.
And the wine doesn't hurt either!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Glassy water...
I love DC. What a great place to visit. There area gazillion museums, all kind of government buildings, the Mint, the Constitution, the Monuments and they are all FREE to see and visit! I don't mind my tax dollars going toward this. This is a celebration of who we are and what we want as a nation. We have a strong sense of self and a solid foundation in where we are going. Washington helps celebrate that and helps us to not forget it.
I love visiting here. I just wish I had some time this trip to visit a museum or two. I've done that with my daughters more than once and my son. We've always had a great time here. Lots of good memories.
Time to bring them back and make some more!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Maitre d'Fromage...
Turns out she was an international studies major in college and just happened onto the study of cheeses. There are no classes it is all self taught! In talking with her I asked who filled in for her when she was not working and she said she is looking for a full time assistant but it is hard to find someone interested in learning about cheeses. Sounds like the perfect job to me!
I asked if she'd be willing to teach a college student about cheeses during the summer and she gushed at the chance. She gave me her card and asked me to please have my daughter call her. She'd give her a job for the summer and help her find a place to stay in DC! What a great opportunity! You can learn about cheese, where they come from, the areas, topography and the makers. Way cool! Sound great for an international studies major.
Anybody know one? Hint, hint!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Time with friends...
We do this every year and it is wonderful! There are 4 couples and we eat, drink, laugh, cut up and have a blast. One couple from NC (me!), one couple from OH (Jeeeullll), one couple from north of Philadelphia (Chloe) and the couple in DE (John).
The interesting thing is how we all met. The 4 of us (not spouses) met at an industry function and became business travel friends. Now business travel friends are buddies you see when you travel, enjoy spending time with and don't really see each other besides then. Well, we spent a lot of time together over the years and then spouse joined for some of the trips, we called each other, email came around and we actually planned business trips around who was attending! John asked if we wanted to come to their house for the weekend for a wine tasting that is held each year. We adored each other and suddenly we were going to visit for the weekend!
We've been doing it now for about 10 years (or so) and always have a great time. We start with lunch on Friday, great appetizers before the tasting, the tasting and then come home for more. The rest of the weekend is spent food shopping, cooking and eating and drinking some wine. We laugh, follow football games, take pictures, pick on each other and just bask in the glow of utter civility.
It is a time where we can be ourselves and relax. No responsibilities, no worries. Just good food, good drink and very dear friends. We all need times like that. Work and daily lives can take up all our time. We need to step back from that and recharge. I'm plugging in this weekend for my charge.
Somewhere, I am sure the local Pizza Hut delivery is gearing up for the second busiest weekend they have each year (after the super bowl). My kids are home fending for themselves and I suspect they'll call delivery for all their needs.
I think I am getting a cramp in my wallet already!
Ultimate sacrifices...
I've been to Arlington several times since then and every time I've visited the grave and thought about that cold day and how my Dad made sure I experienced history. I don't remember Kennedy running for office, I wish I did. But I've read a lot about it and him and I think Obama has captured some of that youthful spark that Kennedy's campaign had. I hope so. It was a promising time for our country but little did we know the things we'd have to go through...his death, his brother's death, civil rights marches and riots, the death of Martin Luther King, Vietnam and eventually Watergate. All those times were awful for our country but we got through them and I think we learned valuable lessons.
I've tried to do the same with my children that my Dad did with me. Make sure they experience history. When some historic is happening I make sure they stop, watch it on TV, understand it, talk to them about it and get them to at least understand what is happening. I never force hours of it on them, or bore them with it. Whether it was Tiger Woods historic 4 majors in a row, landing on Mars and the first pictures, etc. I've tried to make sure they stopped and experienced the moment. Watching history helps us understand we are part of it and the more we do it the more likely we are to understand it when it happens to us.
Seeing Arlington National today, even if only a glimpse from the air, brought back great memories for me.
History in the making...
I did not vote for President-elect Obama. I did not like his stand on abortion and gun control. Those are personal things with me. I also was concerned about his experience and lack of "testing". I voted for John McCain who has been a favorite of mine. I like who he is and what he has given to this country.
That said, I am proud of my new President-elect. Yes, he is MY President-elect and he will be MY president in a few short days. I'll support him, I blame him, I'll whine about him, I praise him, I'll revile him and I'll revere him...just like we do with ALL our Presidents. It is our duty, our responsibility and our privilege as Americans.
My kids feel the same way and are excited about the new President. OUR new President. He will do a fine job. The threshold is low to do a good job but even if it weren't he'd do well.
I've heard the pundits claim that the Republican Party is in trouble. Didn't we hear the same thing when Reagan was elected about the Democrats. Americans look to the leader and his party to solve problems. Things cycle around. I'm excited about the future.
Oh, yeah the election of Obama was historical. No question. But history was also made today when my daugther's offer on a house was accepted by the seller! She is going to be a home owner! The American Dream lives on and we get a room back in our house! Let's support OUR President and if anyone has time in late November, support us moving our daughter into her new house!
I love this country!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
How we choose to vote...
In watching my daughters vote today I got a glimpse of how we all make decisions. My middle child was marking her ballot at the table with her Mom and I. We were talking about the candidates, who we were voting for and why. My daughter marked her ballot different than I on one particular person and I asked why. She said that her last name was the last name of her dorm so she thought it was as good a reason as any! I cracked up in the precinct and bellowed out a laugh! What a hoot!
I'm telling you, the only thing I love more than this country are my kids!
When I was in high school I wanted to attend the electoral college. I hear they held classes only every 4 years!
Sign made by McCain supporter: "I'll keep my freedom, my guns, and my money.... You can keep your Change!"
Did I mention I dreamed about Palin the other night? No, not that kind of dream...I dreamed her family visited ours and we just talked.
All the best to all the candidates!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Now this is a good idea....
CHATHAM COUNTY, N.C. - Pittsboro artists raised money for the local food pantry by selling empty bowls.
I think this is a great idea! I could get behind this. I don't make pots but I'd be glad to help with the work.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Jealousy, envy, and covetous neighbors...
We have neighbors that used to come and just stand in the street in front of the house to look at the decorations and stare at the tree through our living room windows. Now, granted, we had a 13 foot, fresh cut, frasier fur fully decorated with about 6-10 thousand lights in our window. The window is 10 feet wide and the tree spread out the whole 10 feet and literally reached to the ceiling. To get it out I had to take a chainsaw and cut it into 3 pieces and muscle it through the door. The outside was decorated with a gazillion lights, shapes, blow ups, etc. Yeah, we had fun!
Then a couple of years ago "new" neighbors moved in across the street. They gobbed up their yard with all kinds of decorations. Not "tasteful" stuff like we have but gaudy stuff. And just as my wife and I decided to go from 13 feet of fresh cut frasier fur to a modest 10 foot artificial tree with lights already on it. (Greatest thing we ever did! I was too old to climb the ladder.)
Well, a "cold" war erupted with the neighbors. They went for quantity and we went for quality. Each giving the eager public choices.
Now, it is taking on a whole new dimension...Decoration Wars-The Next Generation! Oh yeah, I'm taking the gloves off with my new secret weapon. My kids!
The kids decided the burning cauldron, blow up frankie, strobe cat, myriad of lighted pumpkins, skeletons, signs, tombstones, etc. were not enough. Oh no! They "upped the ante" this year. They built a crime scene in the drive way. Yup! Chalk outline, crime scene tape, fake blood stains on the concrete, bloody saw, hammer and then bloody hands on the door of the house! Way cool and lit by flashlights just lying on the ground!
I was sitting out front with the bucket of full size candy bars waiting for the ankle biters to come begging for candy and who comes along? THE NEIGHBOR and his brood. OK, we did not have all the gobs of stuff he did, but we went for quality. Still, it is a unsteady truce we have. As he walked up it hit him! He was envious of the crime scene! Oh, he stopped, stared, looked at me, looked at it and grinned. When he came over with the kids he said "nice crime scene, definitely stepped it up to a new level, huh?" He looked at his wife and told her next year, he had new plans!
I grinned, gave the crumb snatching linoleum lizards their free candy and watched Mr. Envy walk away.
Oh yeah, I and my next generation minions have still got it! Oh, and next year...well, let's just say that Team BigAl is already planning surprises. God, I love having kids!