Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Time with friends...

This coming weekend is one of my favorite all year. I look forward to it almost like Christmas. We are going to Wilmington, DE (that's right, DE not NC) to spend the weekend with friends.

We do this every year and it is wonderful! There are 4 couples and we eat, drink, laugh, cut up and have a blast. One couple from NC (me!), one couple from OH (Jeeeullll), one couple from north of Philadelphia (Chloe) and the couple in DE (John).

The interesting thing is how we all met. The 4 of us (not spouses) met at an industry function and became business travel friends. Now business travel friends are buddies you see when you travel, enjoy spending time with and don't really see each other besides then. Well, we spent a lot of time together over the years and then spouse joined for some of the trips, we called each other, email came around and we actually planned business trips around who was attending! John asked if we wanted to come to their house for the weekend for a wine tasting that is held each year. We adored each other and suddenly we were going to visit for the weekend!

We've been doing it now for about 10 years (or so) and always have a great time. We start with lunch on Friday, great appetizers before the tasting, the tasting and then come home for more. The rest of the weekend is spent food shopping, cooking and eating and drinking some wine. We laugh, follow football games, take pictures, pick on each other and just bask in the glow of utter civility.

It is a time where we can be ourselves and relax. No responsibilities, no worries. Just good food, good drink and very dear friends. We all need times like that. Work and daily lives can take up all our time. We need to step back from that and recharge. I'm plugging in this weekend for my charge.

Somewhere, I am sure the local Pizza Hut delivery is gearing up for the second busiest weekend they have each year (after the super bowl). My kids are home fending for themselves and I suspect they'll call delivery for all their needs.

I think I am getting a cramp in my wallet already!

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