Saturday, November 22, 2008

Counting our blessings...

We have so much to be thankful for. Health, family, life in the greatest country and the opportunity for our kids to do whatever they want with their lives.

A friend's wife is undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. This is such traumatic event. Not only are you battling for your life but the very medicine that you take to save your life has such awful side effects, not the least of which is loss of hair. For me, that is not a big deal but I have 2 daughters and a wife and I know that would be a big thing for them.

I keep in touch with my friend, let him know we are praying for both of them, that they are loved and cared about. They have a good support group in California but it does not hurt to have help on both coasts.

My daughter and I went shopping today for a hat for his wife. We found one we liked in Macy's at the mall. I virtually never go to the mall and avoid it like the plague but today I gladly went to help a friend in need.

She knows it is coming and is excited about it. I hope she likes it and expect she likes the support and that some one cares enough to do this. I know I would.

Reaching out is so easy and so hard. I've been unfortunate to know too many people to die from this disease and too many others to have it and have to have very severe surgery. I hate this disease and the impact it has on not just the women but on their families.

I'm not writing this to brag about what I've done. In fact I thought long and hard about not writing it but I want others to know that reaching out is important and doesn't require anything heroic. Often a phone call or an IM message on a regular basis is enough. Letting people know they are not alone and that you care and praying for them is enough.

Sharing this with my daughter was important to me. It was just one of the many things we did today together and I hope it made the most impact. I want her to be able to reach out to others, too. In this human race we are all in it together. Ben Franklin, during the revolutionary war said: "Either we hang together or most assuredly we will hang separately". Life is like that too.

1 comment:

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