Monday, August 10, 2009

Thoughts and rambles...

No more blog posts at 2:00 a.m. That is a "note to self". Got rambling which is normal when your mind is bleary from LOS (lack of sleep).

I think it is time for a family dinner. We do them at Thanksgiving and Christmas but I am thinking it has been too long since the last one and too long before the next one. I need to pull something together. Nothing fancy, just a big spaghetti dinner. Sauce from scratch with a bag or two of the frozen meatballs (yes, I use them. They are very good and so fast to fix!) Get the family to bring salad and bread and desert and we can all sup large together.

I wonder how many will come given that it is not a holiday? Do holidays matter? Do we feel obligated to go to family functions on those days or do we like doing that? Would we rather be with "our" friends except they are with "their" families? Interesting thought. Me? I like the family time. But, then again, we open it up to an extended family that includes many that are not even related but we like them so much they seem related. I like that. We'll include them, too. Hmmm....this is starting to sound fun!

My wife is now hooked on FB so bad it is not funny! She is not just doing FB but is also doing Farmville (see previous post that went on forever), Sorority Life, Yoville and who knows what else. Seriously, it keeps her off the streets but I am thinking serious intervention here! Darn aliens!

Our neighbor brought us a watermelon. What a wonderfully nice thing to have happen. She is my "favorite" neighbor. I put that in quotes because it is how she describes herself when she calls. "Hello Al, this is your favorite neighbor." She is very nice and her kids are around here a lot playing xbox with my son. Except for the NC State clothes they are good kids. Not as good as mine but then no one's are.

Brittany had 16 glasses, a bowl, a fork, two spoons and a pair of chopsticks in her room. She is like that. It just builds and then it hits her and she brings it all down. We were drinking out of jars but who notices? We just thought we were getting short on glasses because they had gotten broken. With all of us doing dishes no one keeps up. She is so funny. She openly admitted it and we all got a good laugh at it. I had cereal last night (one of my vices for late night) and went in her room, handed her the bowl and spoon and said "Here is a starter piece for your next collection." She and I got very tickled over that. Hmmm...that reminds me. Did I leave it in there or take it downstairs...

Gonna be hotter than blazes today and tomorrow. Hunker down time. Watch the pets carefully! If you are out and about drink water before you go out and when you come back. Me? I'm just gonna stay inside.

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