Friday, February 19, 2010

Good from bad...

Mistakes or troubles often, if you are open to it, can be doors to opportunity, wisdom and insight. If we are not open to them, if we close ourselves off, if we focus on ourselves they can make us frustrated, angry and closed off to those insights and to the world.

Yesterday was pretty much like any other day but everything I typed just seemed to come out wrong. I'm a pretty open person and I like to be funny and have fun with things. I posted on a friends facebook what sounded funny in my head. When I saw the posting it looked as if I did not take her posting seriously and it looked petty at best. I posted an apology and she was fine and even deleted it for me (she was fine to leave it up but took pity on me). She is an old friend from high school and I think she remembered my gregarious ways and just took it as intended. Friends do that.

I made another posting about a cake I was making. The term did not include the word cake. For some reason the recipe for the cake and the person in Scotland that told me about the cake did not use the word cake in the description so I thought I was doing the right thing. Well some of my facebook buddies had some fun with me. They are dear people and poking fun is also what we do to friends. It keeps us human, reminds us we are not infallible and it also tells us that people love us even with our mistakes and weaknesses.

While I was pondering it the story of Elisha came to mind. Elisha was a prophet (Old Testament) and an army was sent to get him. His servant was scared and knew they were going to be killed. Elisha calmly looked around and saw the angels of God and explained that more were with them than against them. I realized yesterday that in life, more are with me than against me! I'm blessed with many friends, family and co-workers that pick me up when I'm down, support me through tough times, let me help them when they need it and love me even with my failures.

As I've told my kids from day one: "There is nothing you can do to stop being my son/daughter and there is nothing you can do to stop the love I have for you." They rely on that, it makes them stronger and gives them to confidence to learn life's lessons. I had "one of those days" yesterday. No, it was not a big deal, it was not particularly frustrating but out of it I was reminded that people do care, friends are there.

I'm glad I was not so focused on me and my mistakes that I missed a great reminder of life. So, if you are having a bad day, send me a note, tell me what you've done and I'll make fun of you. Just know when I do, I care. I promise, I really do, no matter how it sounds.

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