Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I remember the prom. Anticipation, anxiety, awkwardness and just plain scary! That time is coming up for my son. He is thinking about going with his friend who is a girl...not exactly a couple but they date, like each other and are in no hurry to smother each other. They spend a lot of time apart, don't see each other most weekends but do celebrate holidays together and go to movies and the fair. It works for them. They are both busy.

My son seems low key about the whole prom thing. I know those still waters run deep. I just nudge him on it. I know getting a limo (we never had that when I was a kid) and a tux is NOT a last minute thing so I told him to plan for it if he was going. He's working it out in his way, which works for him and her.

Me? I'm more of a planner. Don't like things left to chance. I've traveled with people that just figure it out as they go along. It works for them most of the time so I guess that is OK. Just sometimes it doesn't and they get stranded or having to accept arrangements less than ideal and I've seen how this affects the others in the group. Not particularly good. Thinking of the group is something I'm not sure we do that well. I think it is a learned trait and some just don't learn it.

Being on time is a thing with me. I like to be early or at least on time. Making people wait sends a message that your time is more important than theirs and I don't like those messages and games. An appointment is a contract. You honor it.

I had a doctor once in Richmond who's office explained that if I was late for an appointment they'd charge me a late fee. I asked why and they said the Dr.'s time was valuable. I said OK. The doctor made me wait for an hour. I did not particularly like him as a physician (my first visit) and when I checked out I deducted $25 from the bill when I paid. The lady handling payments informed me I owed more money and I explained that I waited an hour and that was my charge. My time is valuable, too. I think most doctor/patient appointments are a semi-solid agreement. If he's a little late or I'm a little late we deal with it. I am not there to wait on him because he can't schedule effectively and is maximizing his income. Yeah, I know this is harsh. My current doctor makes me wait once in a while but that is OK. When we are together he gives me all the time we need to discuss what we need and for me to ask questions. He always digs to make sure I'm doing OK and nothing has changed. I like that. I figure he does that with others and things come up. So I cut him some slack. Give and take. Oh, and he is a great physician and actually has some personality.

I'm getting more regular with my "annual" check ups. I put annual in quotes because I've not gotten them down to yearly yet but 18-24 months and that is WAY better than ever. I don't look forward to them and I don't know how women can be so good about keeping annual appointments. No way I ever would be but as I get older I figure it is more important.

I know one thing, if I was going to the prom I'd need a physical, stress test and a cardiac work up. The stress would get me and the dancing would be exhausting. But the thing that would get me the most would be shelling out the money for the tux and limo now. Way more than when I was in school

I guess it is not a good idea for me to go to the prom. I'm not sure how I'd explain it to my wife or my son.

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