Friday, July 3, 2009

What freedom means...

Ages ago Janis Joplin wrote a song called "Me and Bobby McGee" with lyrics that include "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose" and I always think of those lyrics when anyone mentions FREEDOM. Freedom is not free, it costs dearly and we've paid the price for it many times and our soldiers are paying that price even today. When Colin Powell was Secretary of State he was asked about diplomacy versus military action. His reply is telling. He said that in the last 100 years Americans have left their shores many times to fight for freedom and all we've ever asked is land to bury our dead.

We are a country that knows freedom and in many ways we invented it. We hold it dear and not just for ourselves. We want others to shape their own destiny and build their own lives. Freedom is never free.

My wife and son have been gone for a month. I miss them terribly. Someone asked me how I was enjoying the "freedom". I said "Fine" but I was not enjoying it at all. Yeah, I had no one to answer to but then they were not here to share my joys, sorrows and to laugh or cry with me. Being free to do what you want just means you don't have anyone to share it with. Giving up that "freedom" for my family was the best deal I've ever made.

I have enjoyed the time with my daughters. We've had many dinners together, laughed and taken care of each other. I can't wait for my son and wife to return so I can do the same with them! I'll be glad when my "freedom" is over!

If you see a soldier in the coming months be sure to stop, shake their hand and thank them for the service and sacrifice they make so that we can enjoy our freedom.

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