Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blogging or "you don't know who reads!"

Just got a voice mail from my sister-in-law. She is the ultimate perky blond (but very smart). I know this is coming off bad so let me say, it shouldn't and is not meant to! She is just always up beat whenever she calls or we see her (which is way too little). She wished me a belated birthday. That was so nice! I like being remembered. A day late is no big deal. We all get busy, travel (she was out of town and heading out again), have kids, jobs, etc. Missing a birthday (as old as I am) is not a big deal. Now, for a kid it is a big deal but us old fuddy duddy's, heck we just like being remembered at all. Thanks B for the call! Travel safe!

My sister also called this morning. She was wired up, too. She wished me a happy birthday today, too. It was good to hear from her, get caught up on family stuff going on. My niece is doing well since the robbery. The place she works is making changes, which is good. Her husband is taking off work to walk her to her car, too and then going back to work. I think it is great that they let him do that! Visit CookOut and thank them for doing this! Great food there, too but for them to do this is huge! I am now a permanent fan (I already liked their food)! I am impressed that he is doing this. I don't know him well but always liked him when I met him. Taking care of my niece is BIG with me!

I don't mention names of people or places too much. Not what this is about. If you know me and my family, no need to and if you don't it will not matter! I just don't want to make people uncomfortable. I do like to mention places I like so the mention above is GOOD!

I am going to meet a friend for a beer tonight. We'll have some food, catch up on work and family and just hang out. I've known her for a gazillion years, worked with her for a long time and we keep in touch. I adore her family. Her husband, Mike, is easily one of the smartest people I know. He can do ANYTHING! I mean, most of us guys like to think we are handy, right? We can drive a nail, hang a picture, replace a light build and maybe, just maybe replace a faucet, put in a new electrical outlet or a new breaker in the panel box. But Mike can re-wire a boat! No joke! They bought a boat and he decided the wiring needed some "work" and proceeded to re-wire the whole thing! He so rocks. He can do anything with carpentry and he is a genius at furniture repair, too. If you need furniture fixed let me know and I'll give his contact info. He is also very funny and cracks me up all the time. I'm not known for listening but I listen to everything he says. His wife is a dear friend, too. She puts up with my complaining and venting. We all need friends like that!

Busy day at work. Lots of calls. Just that time of year and we are working on a plan for the next release of the software. That involves a lot of discussions, planning, give-and-take and decisions. We've just started but I like the process. I always learn so much! The poor developers/engineering staff just don't know how to take me sometimes.

Well, I need to get my head in a cookbook and plan some meals so I can use my new pans, bowls and tools!

Anyway, before I go, my Sister-in-Law told me she reads my blog! How cool. She's never left a comment and I was not aware she reads it! She says she loves it because she can keep up with what is going on in the family while running around all over. I had no idea! See, we don't always know who is looking! Thanks B for letting me know. I don't know if the family reads it much or not. I was thinking of stopping the blog but I do it for me and now at least B reads it, too! I'll see her Sunday and I'll thank her again. She is excited about my daughter getting her own place. She is on the invite list to the house warming!



  1. Happy Birthday a day late, Big Al. I'm sorry I missed the real day. You're quite the youngster aren't you? ;)

    PLEASE don't stop blogging! I think lots of folks read blogs but never comment. You may never know who you are reaching when you post...and you may never know it when you strike a common chord with another's fond memories. But I'm confident that you do...likely more than you know.

  2. Thanks Becky. This reinforced a lesson I learned years don't know what you don't know. To assume something on limited information is never good! Thanks for the reminder. I'm a blogger for better or worse. I like how it makes me think and I find I look for the good in things more and don't miss the little things as often.

    It was nice to get your note as well as the call from my sister-in-law. I owe both of you!

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