Sunday, November 23, 2008

What's important?

I was out today with my son. It's always a good day with him. We have a lot of fun just doing normal stuff. His relaxed, fun loving manner is contagious and I enjoy it.

We got me a haircut. I was getting a little shaggy and needed a clip job. Then we headed to get him some pants. The boy out grows everything I buy him! He has one pair of long pants and it has been pretty chilly so we had to get some more. He'd be happy wearing shorts all year but I'm sure even his legs would get cold.

He patiently tried on everything I threw over the fitting room door. He never gets impatient or whiny. He just gets along. We found 3 pair he liked and I liked and that would fit. It was a great day AND 2 of them were priced at 1/2 off! Always a good day when that happens.

He is so much fun to be around. He laughs easy, sees the fun in everything, and just likes going along for the ride. He tried to convince me to "see a man about a dog" but his sister is fixing stuffed peppers for dinner and it is one of my favorites so I passed on the idea.

We got home and he immediately started blowing leaves again. He knows this is his job and doesn't complain. He just gets it done without fuss, brag or anything. He is great.

Its the little things that are important. I sure appreciate them.

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