Thursday, October 2, 2008

Busy, slow week...Butter Dish!

Not much going on this week. As I shared a couple of weeks ago turning 50 is what it is. As my Dad used to say, "I don't mind getting old. Look at the alternative!" I always keep that in mind. Like this week. Being 50 and male means colonoscopy. NO FUN! But I got through it. The prep and anxiety before the procedure is always worse than the actual event. They give you GREAT drugs to knock you out. Don't remember or experience a thing!

Other than that, just working along. This is fishing weekend. I'm going to the lake to go fishing this weekend. My son will go and likely my daughters. They all like it and it should be a good weekend for it. We catch and release so no hate mail!

Jen Mecca, a potter whose blog I follow, is going to be in Raleigh at the CDC event the weekend after Thanksgiving! I'm going to visit her booth and pick up a butter dish. I've been wanting one and she was recommended as the "queen of butter dishes". I like her work so this is a good excuse to see her and pick one up! CDC is held at the NC State Fairgrounds. Go out and visit.


  1. I hit 50 this year and I am not looking forward to the checkup either.

  2. Bless your heart! I was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Drugs are a wonderful thing for "the procedure".
