Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Obamaware...for real!

Yeah, I know. Another post about pots for Democrats but just bear with me on this. I've been reading some blogs and this is getting to be cool! Ron Philbeck is doing some great stuff. Please check it out. I'd suspect this could be a collector's item so don't knock it till you see them.

I am a big John McCain fan. I have been for years. I like who he is and what he stands for and what he has given this country. No faulting him there. I even like Sarah Palin. I think she is spunky and I like her family.

I'd like Obama a lot except his view on guns. I like guns. I own guns and I have hunted with them. I am not in favor of controlling my right to own them. It has not and does not work. I firmly believe if you outlaw guns then only out laws will have guns. Wish Obama had picked Condi Rice for VP. She is my all time favorite. That woman is awesome. Easily the most qualified of them all. Yeah, she works for a Republican president but come on, I think she'd have been willing to run. I'd vote for that ticket!

Anyway, enough politics. I am just glad I live in a country...no, THE country where I not only can talk about the candidates but am expected to do so, to have an opinion and to voice it. I drive through my neighborhood and there are signs for both camps everywhere! It is great! My kids and I talk politics as does my wife. This is good stuff!

Let's switch topics...I went fishing this weekend with the kids. Pics and posting to come on that. I also MC'd a Marching Band Competition and I cooked a pineapple upside down cake (thanks Elaine!). Pics and post on all that coming once I can figure out the picture thing.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the handy work!
    I love the bowls and strange flower holders. ^_^ Completely awesome pictures and designs. <3
